Ernakulam Bus Stand : Address, Contact Details, Ticket & Enquiry Email Address

Ernakulam district is situated in the city Kochi. Kochi is a city in Kerala, India. Many popular places are situated in Ernakulam. Marine drive is very popular in Ernakulam. Kochi is 10 KM far from Ernakulam by road. Let’s check the details of Ernakulam bus stand.

About: Ernakulam Bus Stand

Ernakulam bus stand is located in Ernakulam District. Ernakulam district is organized by Karnataka state road Transport corporation. KSRTC offers many buses to different locations. If you want to visit Ernakulam bus stand then must check the given details:

Address: C P Ummer Road, Shenoys, Ernakulam, Kerala 682011

Contact details: 0471 246 3799

Review: 3.1/5

Organization: Kerala state road Transport Corporation (KSRTC)

Helpline no. of Ernakulam bus stand: 0484 2372 033

Email address for support:

Email address for enquiry:

Bus Availability: 24 hours

Calling time: 24/7

All the important details of Ernakulam bus stand we shared with you. If you have any query related bus and bus timings then you can call at the given contact number.